Personality Coaching

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Personality Coaching

Exclusive coaching for families and individuals

Coaching is a good way to positively deal with your intentions, relationships, emotions critical sitiuations and your future projections .  The next level in what was called coaching is VANGUARD MANAGEMENT SCOUTTING. Here you find a new form to learn to solve your critical situations, prepare yourself for mastering future challenges, find a new meaning for your live formulate your strategie and set  goals.  Learn to deal well with your own emotions, to choose  positive relationships, let  negative relatons go and explore new relations by encounter new persons . At the same time  make  your own points of view clear and present bravely your inner self , understand other people better and realize private and business plans. To feel well and strong  while mastering your crises, make the best decisions and learn new competences while mastering your challanges.  Examples from questions clients asked for example are: how do i find a good business idea how from the business idea do I get  to start a new business and sustainible keep it going, or find a career goal, harmonizing professional and private life, how to solve heritance disputes,other family disputes,run a familie business, solve relationship problems, master reorientation, professional and private crises, loss and death,master other psychological problematic situations such as rejection, mistrust, fears, phobias, etc. Longings, hopes, new projects, plans, ideas, problems with closeness or distance to people, creativity, dreams, motivation …

If desired, we can also arrange psychotherapy for you to reempower you so you can healthy with enough resilience and  savely develope your new strategie.  

Our VMScouting for families and individuals integrates the essential psychotherapeutic procedures with the methods of corporate management. Our Scouts are  experienced and master the field of psychotherapy and business management. Robert Paul Kasper has brought  psychotherapy and business consulting together and developed a contemporary form of consulting in which the fragmentation in the psychotherapy field and in the consulting scene has been dissolved and united at a higher level. This fragmentation, which you find in the various therapeutic schools and the countless management models, are the remnants of the birth pangs of the new consulting. These belong to the last century. What you may experience with us this the new form of counseling for the 21st century. It will be soon  the future of consulting .
It is called Vanguard Management Scouting. Vanguard stands for all forms of future projections and corresponds with strategie consulting. Management stands for Corporate Management which integrates personal leadershipnand instrumenteal leadership. Scouting means that real live cases will be put on stage so tha the person ,group or organisation can live in their inner realities as if they were happening right now. Enriched with uncouncious exploratons the client our client system learns to master critical sitiuations by using rationa methods and exploring the kreativ powers inherent in the challnges. To be able to experience ans explore this powerful inner worlds and find your way we scout you while beeing in this surplus reality.

You do not need to wait for a body to approve a new procedure with a 30-year delay.

You have it with ABAEUS right at hand. You can claim the best for yourself today as a free enlighted person by using your own reason and test VM Scouting. Unlike other advisors, Individual professions such as lawyers, tax consultants, doctors, psychotherapists, accountants, theologians, coaches, business consultants, psychosomatics, physiotherapists, professors, teachers of all kinds, lecturers, etc. each advise from their own point of view we are trained to help Top Management to use this perspectives and manage them not vice versa. The different professions have their respective justification, but for personal or business orientation they are only auxiliaries for you in their respective fields.  In Consulting Individual coaching or management  schools, each based on one of the existing therapeutic schools or representatives of management models are remnants of old ideologies. They were necessary but  are pre-enlightenment and not to be used for  free beings today. I address my consultation to free, self-aware beings or those who want to be so in their actions. We consult comprehensively and on a value-based level in a stabilizing and strategic way. We use the healing scools and methods of psychotherapy and the rational methods of corporate management to help you to achieve your goals and implement your plans. We  use sytemic, kognitiv, behavioral , anaiytic and all other scools in an appropiate way we for example use  psychodramatic methods and procedures to revitalize your creative power and let youbexperience the power of future projections as well as reempowering your personality.

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