ABAEUS Publishing House

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ABAEUS Publishing House

The ABAEUS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften publishes, among other things, the series “Humanistische BWL” (Humanistic Business Studies) and also writes articles and books on the subject of business management and other relevant social science topics.

Current topics can be found in our blog.

If you have any questions please contact us

You can find an insight into the series “Humanistic BWL” here.

Good corporate management is the key to success.

Leadership due diligence provides you with an instrument for good successful corporate governance.

Good corporate management is the key to success.

Ethics, values and corporate culture lead to success when combined with business requirements without contradiction.

Good corporate management is the key to success.

All decisions in corporate management are dependent on the conscious or unconscious image of man of the leadership.

Future projection is crucial for good therapy and counseling

The future is a separate therapeutic field alongside the past and the present. Future projections find application in psychotherapy and management consulting.